Are you about to become a new resident of Terrell Hills, Texas? If so, you should start thinking about the journey you are about to take. The journey that will ultimately take you to this new place to call home. Let us tell you one thing for sure – there is no such thing as being too early to prepare for moving to Terrell Hills. Having said that, the right time is probably right now. Firstly, let us walk you through a quick timeline to help you organize your thoughts and actions.
Prepare for moving to Terrell Hills – The timeline
We can begin our timeline with the decision to move. Whether you are moving for personal reasons or business, the moment you finally decide is when the clock starts ticking. Be present, be mindful, and consider getting in touch with reliable professionals to save you time, money, nerves, and help you prepare for moving to Terrell Hills.
3 months before – preparing for your move
One of the first things you will need is a plan or a checklist. Write down what comes to your mind, list the actions in a logical order. Reorganize your list a few times. Rewrite it, add some tasks. When you feel that your checklist is somewhat complete start with the priority items. One of the priority items should be your finances. To be sure that your moving budget is in check, search for long distance movers Terrell Hills TX and ask for an estimate. When you get an estimate, you will know more and be prepared for the next stage of your move.

If you need a bigger moving budget or you plan to buy some new furniture when you settle in, organize a garage sale. There is this old saying that your old or unused things can be someone’s treasure. Monetize on that thought and de-clutter your stuff before you start packing.
2 months before – preparing for your move
Now you are already preparing for moving to Terrell Hills, and things like notifying your employer comes up on the to-do-list. Do not forget to ask your employer for some time off, as you will need to be present during the actual move. If you have kids, you should notify their school and ask for relevant transfer documentation. If you already contacted and chosen among long distance moving companies San Antonio, you should finalize the paperwork and set up an actual moving date.

Start thinking about packing. Find ways to collect boxes and other materials that will help you pack. Ask friends and relatives for help. This is, after all, physical work and if you need assistance do not hesitate to even hire someone that can help. Label everything to the best of your ability as this will be very helpful when you arrive at your new house or apartment and start jumping over boxes for days.
1 month before – preparing for your move
The moving day is approaching. You can feel the stress building up. Do not worry, it is normal. Planning your move to Terrell Hills now seems so stressful, but the better you prepare the less work you will have afterward. Organize your documents, legal and financial, put everything in labeled folders, or prepare to bring with you. Backup your computer files. Update your existing mail subscriptions with the new address, change your address on other services if applicable and cancel some of your memberships if needed.
Say goodbye to your neighbors, your local grocery store employees, your local baker, or your kids’ teachers. These people have been a part of your life, one way or another, and it will take time to properly say farewell to everyone. Use this time to return that book you borrowed from your friend, back in August. Do not forget to pick up your clothes from the dry cleaners.
10 days before – preparing for your move
Make sure that most of the items on your checklist are crossed out. Start preparing your furniture and other household items for when the moving company truck arrives. Don’t clutter boxes around hallways and keep a clear path to the door and/or windows. Pack all the necessary things that you will have to carry with you. Prepare cash to carry. Clean your apartment thoroughly, empty all the drawers, you might just find something you forgot to pack at this point. Take time to spend with family and friends, recharge as you will need your energy for the moving day.
Moving day
Wake up! You have made it to your moving day. Hopefully stress-free and with the assistance of your family, friends, and a good moving company. That checklist you drew up to help you prepare for moving to Terrell Hills should be completed by now. After all, your efforts have been directed towards making your moving day go as smoothly as possible.

Check once again if you packed everything, especially in your carry on. Take some photos or videos of your old place as a memory of this day. Dress in something comfortable. After your movers have cleared the old place, give it a final look around or a quick clean up. Make sure everything is switched off and secured and leave waving. With some luck, you will be able to avoid any delays and safely arrive at your destination. Let this day be the first of many great ones in Terrell Hills, Texas.
Get to know your town
You have quickly unpacked your essentials, maybe took a shower, and a good night’s sleep. Take today for yourself and your impressions of your new neighborhood. Get your morning coffee and stroll down the streets, casually say hello to your new neighbors if you run into them. You might just run into Tommy Lee Jones, as this is his neighborhood as well. Enjoy the weather and the feeling that you have done an incredible job planning your move to Terrell Hills.